
Warm Blood and True Sentiments——Haichuan Group Emp

 A blood donation car which belongs to Qingdao Red Cross and city center blood station and was with a banner written in ‘Love Comes from Winter and Warms Qingdao’ stopped at front of the office building of Haichuan Group located in NO. 446 Nanjing Road at 8 o’clock in the morning on December 9th. More than 50 Haichuan Group employees entered for the unpaid blood donation. They subsequently arrived at the car, filled the blood donation form, were measured the blood pressure and tested the blood samples. The people whose indexes meet the requirements began to be collected blood. After 3-hour strained work of the blood collection staffs, 38 Haichuan Group employees finished the blood collection except for part of the employees with high blood pressure and/or a cold. All of them donated their love.

This public welfare activity was held by Haichuan Group and The Red Cross together and took place under the situation of lack of the blood in winter. The total amount of the blood donation were over 10,000 ml, which released the shortage situation of medical blood using and made great donations to the social medical cause.

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